Friday, July 2, 2010

Last 2 years

Hi all...( I seriously doubt anyone reads this blog)

So its been two years now. The last time I wrote here was in 2008. Ahh a good year. Fell in love truly for the first time. And I mean the grown-up kind of love. No games, no drama!

Anyways just to bring everyone up to speed. I married that boy. My best friend.
We had a beautiful wedding, perfect weather, food, music, and all our family and friends sharing our special day with us.

So now I'm Mrs.J. It's funny how that one piece of paper, that title change or that ring on my finger defines who I am to the public. Not that I'm complaining. I'm enjoying my first year of marriage. But I'm lost in who I am and where am I in the family. To me the definition of my family always meant my parents and siblings. Now family is redefined as Me and Hubby. (oh I'm sure Mother will always have "suggestions" on how to live my life. But that what mother's do I guess!) I've been so accustomed to think in a singular frame of mind...all me. But now I have to think before I do because I have a permanent plus one and if it will affect him.
So we will see where this first year takes us. How our ever evolving relationship will change. From just acquaintances, to best friends, to that person you want to share a life with, to who knows maybe parents one day. But for now we'll just take one step at a time.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Countdown to the Big 3-0!

So here we are, in the middle of June...44 days till my...wait for it..30th birthday. The One birthday that takes you from being a "young lady" to a Woman. The one that makes you (and everyone especially your parents), "geez I'm old!" So here I am. Slowly preparing for my early life crisis. Oh I fully plan to lock myself in my room and cry. That real ugly cry.

Here are a few oberservations/lessoned learned from being on the cusp of true womanhood:

1) I thought I was hot sexy young thang in my 20's. I was wrong. Actually I think I'm more sexier now that I've ever been. I have more confidence in myself. I know what I want now and I'm not gonna settle for anything less.

2) Clothes....I am a true believer that some women of a certain age can not wear the same clothes as a teen or what they call "junior" clothing. I don't care how cute it is...midriff and short boom boom shorts shouldn't be worn by a woman over thirty, especially those who are 30 and look 40 yrs old. With that being said I am guilty of wearing those cute tshirts...hello kitty is my weakness. So goodbye kitty cat!

3) Clubs/bars/lounges - I went to one last April. At that point, it had been a year and a bit since I've set foot in one. It's not the same fantastic place I once thought. The girls now are mean, bitchy, rude and downright disrespectful. And don't get me on the guys, such immature young men. I discovered that I lost my rhythm. Can't dance worth shit. Lost it all. and I was good. Real GOOD! That's what I missed the most, the music, the dancing. But then I soon realized I was bored, annoyed, tired. Tired of it all. I just wanted to go home and sleep. I've out grown the clubbing/partying scene. Been there, done that! I just wanted to go home to my rhythmically challenged partner and sleep.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What A Year?!

Hello again...
it's been almost a year since I've posted on here. And what an Exciting year it's been! Full of travels, new experiences and of course the unexpected....falling in love!! Awww.

Let me just say, there's nothing like falling in love! Yeah I'm going to get mushy here. He was just an guy a met in a wedding, then became a guy I only saw at parties, then friendship, then the unexpected love. It hits you out of nowhere. I'll be 30 years old in a few months. It's funny that a year and half ago I gave up looking for love or just even to go out with on a date. I settled on the fact that I may end up being that fat crazy cat lady that never left the house. Never thought he would be the One. Surprise Surprise! So here we are a year later and we're joined at the hip and making everyone around us nauseated!

I've also taken charge of my life, mainly the weight issue. I finally had that eureka moment that I should do something about the weight. well it's a been a year now keeping the weight off. I've lost in total 45 lbs. It's been a struggle keeping the weight off. always watching what i eat. how much i eat and running like hell!! I do occasionally like to indulge myself in that piece of cake or pie! And Let me tell you, the confidence that it brings to you by losing all that weight is fabulous. I'm a whole new person. New wardrobe , new look. its almost borders on vanity!!! Love it!

So lessons learned this year. If you're not happy with your life and how it's going or not going, take charge of your life. No one is going to change it. It's YOU! You control your life and your future. There's no sense of being all mopey and disgruntled at the world. It just makes you ugly, wrinkly, old and lonely. There's no magical pill! It's hard work. But trust me it's all worth it! You'll learn confidence and self worth. In turn, you'll start to smile more, become more beautiful, and have that sparkle in your eye, that je ne sais quois aura! Then love will come. Be patient. It will hit you hard on the head! Then let the adventure begin!


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Random Thoughts 4 Random People

So I'm finally on here. It's midnite and I have no plans on a Saturday Night!
To somewhat pass the time and boredom, I'm on here setting this blog up.
I doubt that anyone would read this. Random thoughts for Random people. So welcome to the world of Ms. Joy!